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HOT-PRESSTM was founded by designers after 3 years of hard work . It is not only a whole new product, but also a milestone of carpet design. AQUAFIL from Italy is chosen as the material and the diversity of colors brings a cool breeze to the carpet business. The company is famous for its patented technology, what’s more, its innovation. It provides a platform for the visual design of the carpet, as the variation of patterns is no longer limited by technology.

HOT-PRESSTM makes the interaction of customers and products possible. It accepts the ideas from the customers and brings the sense of achievement that ‘You are the designer!

HOT-PRESSTM is supported by a powerful team of designers. This is led by a young group of elite members. HOT-PRESSTM’s carpet is a product that was produced under brand post-new ideas, making art even out of carpets.